Holiday Bookkeeper Bundle

start your bookkeeping business with Brass Jacks in 2024

The time is now

The Holiday Bookkeeper Bundle brings you to the next level.

Build your business

We will hold your hand while you take this exciting step in your career.

What's included?

25% discount

Get in on the ground floor and build your bookkeeping biz with a 25% discount!

Start Your Business

The six-month mastermind will be there to support you as you create your bookkeeping business, onboard clients and create that beautiful work-life balance.


Participate in our online forum, share thoughts and ideas, increase connection, get help with your studies.
jam packed with goodness...

Here is what you get with this bundle

Think Bigger.

6 Month Mastermind with high-quality lessons, homework & feedback

Frequently asked questions

When is the Bookkeeping Business Mastermind?

The mastermind will start in January. A pre-recorded lesson will be recorded each month. You'll receive homework assignments to work on your business and then we will meet monthly to check in, go over your homework and answer questions.

I am brand new to bookkeeping, is this bundle for me? 

This bundle is designed for individuals with either bookkeeping education, bookkeeping experience, or both! If you are brand new to bookkeeping, check out our Bookkeeping Foundations course to start your bookkeeping journey!

Can you guarantee specific results?

We love this program and stand by what we teach. Our prior students have learned a lot from us and our clients are happy to work with us. However we have no way of knowing what you will do with this bundle and therefore cannot guarantee results, income or job opportunities. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students. 
Courses included in the

Holiday Bookkeeping Bundle

Bundle description.
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